2025 FictoFundraiser
The Palestine Children's Relief Fund
2025 FictoFundraiser


Hello and welcome to the first ever FictoFundraiser! This is an idea that I have had for close to a year now, and I am so excited to see it become a reality. It's starting out small, but I hope it will grow and reach amazing heights. Through the internet, I believe we can change the world, or at the very least, improve the lives of many. When I was considering what charity should be the 'first ever' for this event, I stumbled upon PCRF, and thought it was perfect.


PCRF stands for the Palestine's Children Relief Fund. It is an organization that offers free healthcare and resources to children and families present in Palestine, who often lack local access to them. In light of the recent developments in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, their services are needed more than ever. More than 80% of individuals in Palestine live in poverty, and are regularly under attack due to bombing. PCRF helps provide medical attention to those in need, such as food, water, medical supplies and treatment, along with other necessities.


Great question! A donation of any amount would be greatly appreciated, but if you would like to get the word out about this fundraiser (and PCRF in general), please share the link to the fundraiser wherever! I appreciate any help or interest in this. It means a lot to me. Thank you so much!

If you have any questions about this fundraiser, you can contact me through discord @mrszenigata or my email: mrszenigata@outlook.com.

ABOUT The PCRF Missions and Projects

The PCRF is a legally-registered non-political, non-profit, 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization established in 1991 by concerned people to address the medical and humanitarian needs of Palestinian and Arab youths in the Middle East. We have provided thousands of children life-saving care based on their need, not on religion, gender, nationality or sect.

The main objective of the PCRF is to identify and treat every child in the Middle East in need of specialized surgery not available to them locally. We locate, sponsor and run international, volunteer medical missions to the Middle East, in additional to locating free medical care abroad for children who cannot be adequately treated in the Middle East. The PCRF  is the main organization regularly sending injured and sick Arab children to North and South America, the Middle East and Europe for free care that is not available to them there. Since 1991 over 1,000 children have been abroad for millions of dollars of donated care, and over 10,000 have had complex surgery by our visiting medical missions to the region. The PCRF has been awarded the top 4-star rating by Charity Navigator for fiscal management, while being able to treat more kids than any other charity in the Middle East. 

Name Date Amount Comments
Aïcha B 01/09/2025 $25.00  
Emmy Zenigata 12/31/2024 $25.00  
Joselly J 12/31/2024 $25.00  
  Total $75.00  
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