Peer-to-Peer Campaign
Peer-to-Peer Campaign: Gaza Relief & Recovery

Money Raised: $35,712,926.90  Campaign Goal: $50,000,000.00


Our "Gaza Relief and Recovery" campaign aims to address urgent humanitarian needs and support long-term recovery efforts in Gaza. The funds raised will primarily focus on immediate relief, including providing essential medical supplies, food, medical treatment, clean water, and other necessities for families affected by the conflict. Additionally, our campaign will support rebuilding healthcare facilities and providing long-term support through impactful programs and projects to support the needs of children and the health sector in Gaza. It will also allocate resources towards trauma counseling, mental health support, and other initiatives for children affected by the conflict, aiming to foster healing and resilience within the community.

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Tarik kiswanson

  Raised: $32,620.00
  Goal: $175,000.00

Naji’s Fundraiser for Palestinian Children

  Raised: $4,020.19
  Goal: $3,000.00

Bike 4 Palestine

  Raised: $3,313.34
  Goal: $10,000.00

Solidarity with Gaza's children

  Raised: $2,393.55
  Goal: $5,000.00

Orono Palestinian Community Dinner

  Raised: $2,059.75
  Goal: $500.00

Zakariya, Amiyn & Nooriya's Fundraiser for Palestine

  Raised: $2,047.71
  Goal: $1,500.00

Middlebury WANAS Showcase Aid for Gaza

  Raised: $1,644.36
  Goal: $3,000.00

Michelle Lee

  Raised: $1,534.28
  Goal: $1,500.00

Raechel Chen

  Raised: $1,158.99
  Goal: $3,000.00

Get Down for Gaza

  Raised: $609.08
  Goal: $0.00

Humon’s Fundraising Page

  Raised: $517.32
  Goal: $1,000.00

40th B-day - Gaza children fundraiser

  Raised: $474.10
  Goal: $400.00

Ayla’s First Birthday Fundraiser

  Raised: $405.51
  Goal: $200.00

Give2Gaza urgent relief

  Raised: $145.97
  Goal: $1,000.00

Amanda Jayasuriya

  Raised: $99.13
  Goal: $500.00

Gaza Relief & Recovery Page

  Raised: $99.09
  Goal: $200.00

Little Suns for Gaza

  Raised: $76.46
  Goal: $10,000.00

Piece of Peace for Palestine

  Raised: $60.00
  Goal: $5,000.00

Ziggy Ringmann Ussing Christensen

  Raised: $34.74
  Goal: $500.00

Support for Gaza's Relief and Recovery

  Raised: $10.65
  Goal: $500.00

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